On December 15-17, 2022, the Fifth Congress of the Chinese Ocean Engineering Society and the 20th China Ocean (Shore) Engineering Academic Seminar was held in Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province by combining online and offline methods. In the election of the fifth Council of the Chinese Ocean Engineering Society, Professor Jinhai Zheng was elected as vice chairman, Professor Jisheng Zhang was elected as executive director and deputy secretary general, and Professor Chi Zhang was elected as director. The Chinese Ocean Engineering Society was founded in 1979, and now has more than 200 members. It is an academic social organization voluntarily formed by Marine engineering science and technology workers and related units.

During the seminar, Professor Jinhai Zheng delivered an invited report “Coastal dynamics of coral reefs”. Five teachers and students of team gave separate presentations which include Associate Professor Jian Shi’s “Coastal wave requirement measurement and error analysis based on lidars”, Associate researcher Yanwen Xu’s “Saltwine intrusion analysis method considering nearshore tidal wave action”, Postdoc Yuan Li’s “Research on the modulation of tidal wave elements on a strong tidal beach”, PhD student Meng Luo’s “Multi-mode water wave resonance experimental study in a rectangular harbor” and PhD student Hang Wang’s “Wave numerical model based on improved non-static pressure equation”. Professor Jinhai Zheng presided over the keynote presentations of Academician Jinping Ou, Huajun Li and Laibin Zhang and Professor Wang Gang presided over the sub-venues report. The meeting set up 4 sub-venues, and it have a total of 53 sub-venue reports. The participants exchanged views on the new progress and achievements in coastal and ocean engineering related research fields.