In the afternoon of 12nd May 2023, professor Jinhai Zheng, team leader, was invited to participate in an academic forum hold by Nanjing hydraulic research institute, which was named as ‘the pillars of a great power: technology assists marine development in China’. This academic forum was hosted by Yaan Hu, an academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering. Jinhai Zheng gave a speech named ‘Key Technologies and Engineering Applications (1) for Coastal Zone Protection and Restoration of Sandy Coast’.

Professor Jinhai Zheng firstly introduced the development status of national strategic level for coastal zone protection and restoration in China. Emphasis was put on the key challenges such as ‘systematic basic data and lack of on-site observation data’, ‘difficulty in simulating the multi-scale evolution process of sandy coasts’, ‘Difficulty in Solving the degradation Problem of Artificial Beach on Muddy Coast’ and corresponding achievements accomplished by related teams. The characteristics of coastal zone protection and restoration as a systematic project at various levels were summarized, and several prospects for coastal zone protection and restoration work have been proposed. Finally, professor Jinhai Zheng had in-depth discussion with young scholars attending the conference.

The forum was jointly organized by Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Ocean Engineering Branch of Chinese Society for Oceanography, and the National Key Laboratory of Water Disaster Prevention. Teachers and students, who come from universities and research institutes such as Hohai University, Nanjing hydraulic research institute, and China Ship Scientific Research Center, attended this forum.