From December 4th to 6th, 2023, professors and students from the team attended the 5th Marine Geotechnical Engineering Academic Exchange Conference in Qingdao. The conference was organized by the International Association of Engineering Geology and the Environment  Committee on Marine Engineering Geology (IAEG C34), the International Consortium on Geo-disaster Reduction Committee on Marine Geohazards and Geological Environment (ICGdR TC-4), and the Sub-committee on Marine Engineering Geohazards Prevention and Control of the Chinese Society of Rock Mechanics and Engineering. It was hosted by Ocean University of China and Qingdao University of Technology, with Hohai University as the main co-organizer.

The conference aimed to facilitate communication and collaboration among scholars and experts in the field of marine geotechnical engineering, gather experts and scholars from various places to discuss and share the latest research results, experiences, and development trends. More than 200 experts, professors, young scholars, and graduate students from universities, research institutes, design institutes, and enterprises nationwide attended the conference. The conference included 4 thematic sessions on offshore wind power and related issues, research on marine structural characteristics, issues related to marine soil mechanics, and the mechanism of marine sediments and related issues. There were 10 keynote speeches and 56 presentations in the sessions.

During the conference, Professor Zhang Jisheng, a core member of the team, delivered a keynote speech titled “Study on Erosion Characteristics of Large Diameter Monopile Foundations for Offshore Wind Turbines.” Professor He Rui presented a report on “Research on Initial Stiffness of Horizontal Load Pile p-y Curves,” while Associate Professor Sui Titi delivered a report on “Research on the Impact of Historical Storm Surge and Wave Loading on Seabed Liquefaction.” Researcher Tong Linlong presented a report on “Mechanism of Wave and Silty Seabed Resonance and Its Impact on Transient Response of Soil and Wave Propagation,” and Dr. Liu Chenglin presented a report on “Numerical Simulation of Seabed Response around Tripod Piles under Wave Action.” Master’s students Yang Zhejun presented a report on “Characteristics of Response and Strength Verification of Large Marine Structures in Dynamic Marine Environments” and master’s students Lv Tianyu presented a report on “Research on the Influence of Seepage on Sediment Mobilization around Submarine Buried Pipelines.” Professors Zhang Jisheng and He Rui and Associate Professor Tong Linlong, were invited to serve as moderators for the thematic sessions on “Mechanism Research on Marine Sediments and Related Issues,” “Offshore Wind Power and Related Issues,” and “Issues Related to Marine Soil Mechanics,” respectively. Colleagues engaged in enthusiastic discussions and in-depth academic exchanges during the conference.

The Marine Geotechnical Engineering Academic Exchange Conference was jointly initiated by Hohai University and Southwest Jiaotong University. The first four sessions were successfully held by Southwest Jiaotong University, Hohai University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Zhejiang University in Chengdu, Sichuan Province (2016), Nanjing, Jiangsu Province (2017), Shanghai (2018), and Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province (2019).