Recently, the national standard ” River energy resource assessment and characterization ” (GB/Z 43465-2023) edited by Professor Jisheng Zhang was officially issued by the Standardization Administration of China and will be implemented from July 1, 2024. This standard was submitted and will be implemented by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Ocean Energy Conversion Equipment (TC546).

The main drafting organizations of this standard include Hohai University, the National Ocean Technology Center, Fujian Province Transportation Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd., Harbin Engineering University, East China Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd. of China Electric Power Construction Group, United Power Technology Company Ltd. of State Power, Ocean Energy Engineering Technology Research Institute of China Power Engineering Consulting Group Corporation, and the Information Center of the Ministry of Water Resources, among others.

Extracting energy from rivers for power generation is a new type of renewable and clean power generation method that does not require the construction of traditional hydroelectric dams, has minimal environmental impact, and is particularly suitable for remote areas with limited infrastructure. This standard provides methods based on field measurement data or hydrodynamic numerical models to establish flow duration curves and velocity duration curves. These are used to estimate river energy resources and predict the annual electricity generation capacity at each river energy conversion device location, offering a scientific method and basis for the assessment of river energy resources.

Professor Jisheng Zhang also edited the national standard “Tidal energy resource assessment and characterization (GB/T 39569-2020)” and participated in the editing of the national standard “Wave energy resource assessment and characterization (GB/T 39571-2020)”, both of which were officially issued by the Standardization Administration of China in 2020.