2024年9月8日-14日,第三十八届海岸工程国际会议(International Conference on Coastal Engineering)在意大利罗马举行。此次会议吸引了来自50余个国家和地区、近1000名学者代表参加会议,共设置139个分会场主题报告。

团队陶爱峰教授、张弛教授、范骏副研究员、张炫副研究员、付睿丽副研究员、李元副研究员等赴现场参加了此次会议。与会师生做了题为“Mechanisms underlying the formation of cross-shore parallel tidal channel systems”、“The effects of regular and irregular waves on the evolution of a submerged berm in a low-energy beach”、“The impact of silt content on the flocculation process of clay-silt mixtures”、“Assessing the spatial-temporal wave energy characteristics along the southeast coast of China in a wave simulation study”、“Resonance among waves, current, and rippled bottoms in coastal zones”、“Turbulence characteristics in the bottom wave-current boundary layer”、“The impacts of a mangrove patch on wave pressures on the sea dike”、“Properties of extreme wave groups based on measured wave data”、“Role of wave-induced oscillatory motions in development of sandy-muddy transitional beaches on South China Coasts”、“Nonlinear wave group interaction in the long time wave evolution process”、“Wave attenuation by artificial oyster reefs based on experimental and numerical analysis”、“Long-term trends of extreme waves based on 55 years of observation data from the coastal sea area of China”、“A self-developed algorithm based on the Moving Particle Semi-implicit method for investigating dam break”的报告,会议期间还与国际同行开展了广泛交流和深入探讨。
